Kathleen Warman
Title: Owner
Areas of Expertise: Architecture, Business Ownership
Education: B. Arch, B. Environmental Design
Professional Licenses, Certifications & Affiliations: AIA, NCARB
Years of Experience: 35
Roles & Responsibilities: Championing the Cause of the Client by Helping Them Realize Their Construction Projects
Tiffany Timmons
Title: Office & Client Care Director
Areas of Expertise: Human Resources, Accounting, Marketing
Education: B.S. Communications
Professional Licenses, Certifications & Affiliations: SMPS
Years of Experience: 20
Roles & Responsibilities: Daily Operations, Project Scheduling, Client Care
Chad Trealout
Title: Project Lead
Areas of Expertise: Site & Interior Programming, Technology Implementation
Education: B. Int. Arch
Years of Experience: 24
Roles & Responsibilities: Feasibility Studies, Retail, Facilities Management
Jim Ellis
Title: Senior Architectural Draftsman
Areas of Expertise: Construction Documents, Specifications, Design Details
Education: B.S. Drafting Tech
Years of Experience: 34
Roles & Responsibilities: Developing Design Concepts into Construction Documents